Pension Freeze Issues

RTE RETIRED STAFF ASSOCIATION PO Box 12250 Dublin 16 Jan 23rd 2019 To RTERSA Committee In regard to the question raised by Joe Harris at our last meeting and our proposal to ask Mathesons for a formal opinion, it is important to consider any supporting documentation. I have read a wide range of the … Read more

Letter to Editor, Irish Times 22nd April

The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure, Pascal Donohue, makes a fine case for the quality of employment in the public service. (Irish Times April 22nd).  In the course of his article he writes that public servants benefit from defined benefit pension arrangements. What he fails to mention is that many thousands of semi state … Read more

RTERSA letter to Regina Doherty

13 September 2018 Ms. Regina Doherty Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Dear Minister, I am writing to you in connection with the Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill 2017, currently before the Oireachtas. The views expressed in this letter represent those of a collective group of pensioners, all members of Defined Benefit … Read more

Pension Reform behind target

Concern expressed for Pension reform as Government misses 80% of target dates set out in Pensions Roadmap 01/03/2019 Posted by IAPF Brexit should not stall the progression of Ireland’s pension reform “Regulation cannot be limitless – it needs to be proportionate and implementable in a cost-effective manner” – IAPF Chairperson The Government has missed 19 … Read more

New Government auto-enrolment plan

Auto-enrolment could undermine pension regime, experts say 13/02/2019 Posted by IAPF The Government’s new auto-enrolment scheme could undermine the existing private pensions system, as its proposal to offer tax relief of 25 per cent is “not optimal” and could lead to tax arbitrage between the two systems, pensions experts say. Some 12 years after it was first … Read more

How IORP II has affected pensions

IORP II: How the EU directive has reshaped the pensions industry 30/01/2019 Posted by IAPF IORP II, the European Union’s sweeping reform of pension fund legislation, came into force on 13 January. It added 43 new articles to the original IORP directive and put a renewed focus on governance and communication standards. Institutions for occupational retirement provision … Read more

A second ESB protest – courtesy ESBRSA

The GPC (General Purposes Committee) has decided that another Protest should follow quickly on the last one in order to keep up the momentum gained. This Protest will be held on Wednesday 27th March at 12 noon outside Dail Eireann in Kildare Street. The issues for this Protest will be the same as the previous one, in … Read more

Pension tax relief proposals

Cut to pensions tax relief will lead to mass exodus by savers, warns provider. Government proposals that could see the income tax relief on pensions cut would be calamitous for middle earners, a leading investment company has warned. Halving the reliefs would lead to a mass exodus of middle-income earners from retirement schemes, Standard Life … Read more

Interesting facts

Cut to pensions tax relief will lead to mass exodus by savers, warns provider. Government proposals that could see the income tax relief on pensions cut would be calamitous for middle earners, a leading investment company has warned. Halving the reliefs would lead to a mass exodus of middle-income earners from retirement schemes, Standard Life … Read more