RTÉRSA Update – July 2024

Greetings All – We’d like to give you an update on what’s been happening regarding ourpension increase for 2024. Pension increase request The RTÉSA Scheme Trustees have recommended a 4% pension increase, backdated to January2024.Given this, RTÉRSA wrote to the Chair of the RTÉ board on June 25th requesting that there isno undue delay in … Read more


While Michael Noonan’s austerity levies on occupational pension schemes made headlines, little has been reported about the permanent pay cuts inflicted on thousands of pensioners in the commercial semi-state sector. These cuts were triggered by deals negotiated between semi-state employers and trade unions. Overnight in 2014, over 3,000 defined benefit pensioners at Aer Lingus and … Read more

RTÉRSA Update – April 2024

Greetings All – We’d like to give you an update on what’s been happening. Pension increases The 4% pension increase, backdated to January 2023, will be reflected in pensions paid atthe end of April.We will be initiating inquiries soon about an increase for 2024 (consideration for anincrease is normally only given when the actuarial report … Read more

Announcement from the Trustees of the RTÉ Superannuation Scheme – 4.0% Pension Increase

The Trustees of the RTÉ Superannuation Scheme are pleased to announce that the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, with the support of the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, has approved an increase of 4.0% to pensions in payment with effect from 1st January 2023. Detailed administrative arrangements are … Read more